Facilities dedicated to your pets well-being
We have applied our attention to detail to the interior space and runnings on the clinic to ensure that we are best suited to maintain the health of your pet.
We have a friendly, patient-orientated reception area. Our reception staff consists of our dedicated and trained veterinary receptionist, Roberta who is helped by our nurses, so any medical queries or emergencies can be dealt with in a prompt and appropriate manner.
Our reception team are happy to make appointments for you and your pet, arrange admission for procedures, order medications, provide advice and sell non-prescription medications and foods.
Dog and Cat Wards
Manuka Veterinary Hospital has two separate wards for dogs and cats with cages of various sizes. All cages have thick and comfortable bedding and the rooms are air-conditioned/heated for optimum patient comfort.
The clinic has a sterile surgery unit, fully equipped with a gaseous anaesthetic machine and comprehensive monitoring systems. This allows us to perform surgery on all animals, whether it be for routine desexings or more complex soft tissue or orthopaedic conditions. We also have an autoclave to maintain our surgical equipment at a high level of sterility and a dedicated team that ensure the surgical suite is maintained to the highest of standards.
Diagnostic Imaging
We have a dedicated diagnostic imaging room containing state of the art digital x-ray machinery, as well as capabilities for blood pressure checks and ultrasounds.
Manuka Veterinary Hospital is equipped with in house comprehensive blood and urine analysis for fast results. We also utilise external laboratories to offer special laboratory tests for concise and accurate results.
We have a comprehensive pharmacy on-site allowing medications (both prescription and non-prescription) to be dispensed at the time of consultation. Repeat prescriptions can be arranged by contacting our reception team and will be available for collection in 24 hours. In some cases you will be required to bring your pet in for a health check to determine that ongoing treatment (of the same or differing type) is still appropriate.
We are also able to order specially compounded or unusual medications on an individual basis through one of our compounding pharmacy associates. Such orders may take 4-5 days after ordering.
Servicing the local communities of; Kingston, Deakin, Kingston Foreshore, Yarralumla, Forest, Red Hill, Hughes, Garran, Narrabundah, Symonston, Fyshwick, Hughes, and more.
Our clinic undertakes a range of surgeries, from desexing to orthopedic and soft tissue surgery. We have a sterile surgical theatre, fully equipped with a gaseous anaesthetic machine and anaesthetic monitoring equipment. All animals are given the highest standard of care at Manuka. Pets coming in for surgery are examined before their procedure and receive pre-operative pain relief, post-operative pain relief and ongoing pain relief following their procedure. All animals receive intravenous fluid therapy during their anaesthetic to help support them during their procedure and ensure speedy recovery.
Consult rooms
At Manuka Veterinary Hospital, we have 3 consultation rooms. These are equipped with everything the veterinarian needs to perform a consultation including next diagnostic steps such as blood collection, fine needle aspirates of lumps and injections, faecal analysis, ear swab analysis, skin analysis, urine analysis, blood analysis, skin scrapes, tape preparations, trichograms, fungal culture, otoscopic equipment and ophthalmic equipment.

We are commited to you and your pet.
We offer a comprehensive array of veterinary services for our beloved companion animals, fostering a compassionate and nurturing environment. Our goal is to collaborate seamlessly with you, functioning as a unified team to deliver the personalised care your pet deserves.